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Managing editor & film and television critic with a Bachelor's of Arts in English Literature with a Writing Minor from the University of Guam. Currently in graduate school completing a Master's in English Literature.
After over a week of its release in theaters worldwide, Andy Muschietti’s IT: Chapter One received the praise it deserved by critics and fans alike and consequently broke box office records. The director, as well as his sister and producer Barbara Muschietti, announced that an extended version of the film will be worked on in time for its home release. In addition, they revealed more details for the extended/ Director’s cut version as well as the sequel.
Warning: A major spoiler alert for those who have not yet seen the movie!
In a live interview with Yahoo Entertainment, the director said it was “painful to [cut] a lot of [scenes and details]” from the film because he had to include as much as he could into a 2-hour movie while weaving each of the Losers’ stories together and yet setting the course of the film in motion. However, he went on to say that he and the team had no difficulty finding what comprised the heart and soul of the story. IT is a larger-than-life story to pull off.
The Cast of Chapter One
The director had no problems casting the characters because he had to find actors and actresses who had a close resemblance to the characters in the book. (Barbara also revealed the children loved swearing, but they had to set limitations.)
Regarding Bill Skarsgård, who plays the eponymous character/ Pennywise the Dancing Clown, Andy Muschietti said the actor was “unsettling” since his audition. The director lauds Skarsgård for “his looks and what he brought [to the table]:”
“[Bill] has this crazy control of his facial [expressions and] general physical language that is amazing. Even after we cast him, he started showing things I had no idea that he had and probably he didn’t, either. IT’s such an extreme character, and IT’s a monster that relies so much on being unpredictable. [The actor] started exploring new things to deliver. His takes were always different. He started doing something, and he would never give me the same, and I applaud him.”
Barbara Muschietti added that casting the role of Pennywise was a lengthy process because it was a crucial role for the film. Bill put so much talent, exhilaration, and effort into the character that even the jump in the sewer scene before catching Beverly required no cables or wires.
Two-thirds into the live video, Aquaman director James Wan asked what Andy Muschietti’s inspirations were for the role of Pennywise. The director had this to say:
“There was a bit in the book that stuck to me very much, which is a part where Bill Denbrough is talking because it’s very speculative but you don’t know. Bill–[who] always seems to be one step ahead or wants to discover the nature of this monster–[asks] the Losers, ‘What if this monster is eating children because that’s what we’re told that monsters do?’ It’s just a phrase. It’s not to expand it, but it’s an idea that immediately makes you think about the nature of these monsters, and makes you think that maybe IT is real as long as it’s alive in the imagination of children, generations and generations of children that basically renew… It’s sort of [similar to the concept of] the egg and the chicken in the sense that the monster has to keep killing to be alive in the imagination in children, so it’s a bit of a survival quest for the monster, too. That [whole] idea fascinated me, and the fact that if that’s what IT is, it is created by children. In fact, when you jump into the mind of a monster, which is briefly addressed in the book, [Bill] stutters so childish and so simple, and he talks about the Turtle and that [other dimension, the Deadlights]. It kindles your thoughts about this being just the work of childish minds, and I wanted to bring that into the nature and the look of the creature.”
Director’s Cut
When asked about the 2017 movie, the Muschietti siblings revealed there would be an extended version of the film, which will include scenes that did not make it to the theatrical cut:
Andy: “There’s a great scene [that is] a bit of a payoff of the Stanley Uris plot which is the bar mitzvah, where he delivers a speech against all expectations in the room […] basically blaming all the adults of Derry [for the town’s history of deadly ‘accidents’ and child disappearances, as well as the adults’ lack of taking action], and it has a great resolution.”
Barbara: “We will [include that scene involving Stan’s bar mitzvah in the director’s cut.] We are going to do a director’s cut. […] We were told this morning.”
Andy: “[The extended/ director’s cut] would be probably an extra fifteen minutes for hardcore fans who didn’t get enough of the masterpiece!”
An additional 15 minutes to the already long 135 minute running time would result in a total of 150 minutes (or 2 hours and 30 minutes), which is not hefty considering the similar running times of Marvel and DC films. Later in the video, the Mama director added that the quarry scene will be longer:
“The quarry scene is just extended after the spitting contest. [The Losers with the exception of Mike Hanlon] are on the edge of a cliff, are having a spitting contest, have to jump, and Beverly shows up. But we opened up that moment and extended [the scene]. After the spitting contest, it escalates into something completely weird and irrelevant to the scene, but it’s so funny. Jack Grazer, playing Eddie [Kaspbrak], does something that is completely bonkers.”
Chapter Two
Regarding the sequel, Andy Muschietti said he would like to add flashbacks to 1989. One would involve the Losers’ underground clubhouse in the Barrens from the novel, in which they then create a smokehole based on a Native American ritual in order to discover how to defeat the evil entity.
When asked about more dialogue from Pennywise in Chapter Two, the director says, “Yeah. The answer is ‘Yes’.” He explained:
“I want to expand the character a little bit more. I love the idea–The book is told very much from the perspective of the kids, the Losers. So everything we know about the monster is basically very speculative and shrouded in mystery, and that’s one of the things that I love. If you explain too much about certain characters, then it just becomes like a magician’s trick; when the trick is explained or exposed too much, then it’s sort of disappointing. But on the other hand–having said that–I think there is space to deepen more into the backstory of that monster, with the purpose of making IT more terrifying.”
When asked when the sequel will be released, the producer had this to say:
“Our intention is, of course, to do it as soon as possible. Andy wants to bring the [child actors] for flashbacks, and in order to do that, it’s better if they don’t have beards. [The whole team] wants to do it, so we just have to get the planets aligned. Gary [Dauberman, the screenwriter] and Andy are working hard on the story.”
Andy Muschietti said the sequel is still in the outline process than the scriptwriting process at this point. He says:
“We have an outline that we all like. My idea with the flashbacks is more like we’re covering that dialogue between the two timelines that I love so much in the book. And also playing with that preexisting emotional engagement with the Losers in their younger versions. It’s not just flashbacks. I want the summer of ’89 to play a main role in the main plot.”
When asked if Chapter Two will be darker than its predecessor, the Argentine-Italian director said that “the tone will be similar to the first [movie], and it will be dark.” This was his explanation:
“Can it get any darker? Really. [The sequel] is about a bunch of adults [who] are trying retrieve their memories, but that does not mean that the telling of the original movie will be serious-ized. Is that a word? I love that part of the emotional engagement with characters and story has a lot to do with humor, and these are all the same characters. You know? We have Richie, Eddie, Ben […] we have all the Losers. There are characters that will not lose their humor, and I love the tone. For me, it’s reaching that perfect balance between–not that we did it yet–horrifying events and that levity that connects you with the characters emotionally.”
When asked about a making third part to the story–which would be a terrible path to take–the director says this:
“In my mind, it’s just telling the second half of the story and giving a good closure to that story, and that would [give] justice to the book we [the fans] all love so much…for now.”
It is safe to say that the sequel is in safe hands and that fans will have high hopes for it. You can watch the interview down below:
If you do not understand the concept of this IT: Chapter One, we have made a short article days ago on the themes pertaining to the Stephen King story.
If this article was not enough for you, we also have an idea of what to expect in Chapter Two.
The first chapter of IT is floating in theaters today, and you will float too. For more Stephen King and IT-related news and reviews, follow Geek Motivation on Twitter (@GEEKMOTIVATION) and Instagram (@geekmotivation).
Written by: John Tangalin
Sources: Yahoo Entertainment and its Facebook Live video
Managing editor & film and television critic with a Bachelor's of Arts in English Literature with a Writing Minor from the University of Guam. Currently in graduate school completing a Master's in English Literature.
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