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Sarah here, teaching English around the world. Living life and seeing things.
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Moon Knight episode 5 arrived a few days ago. It ripped our hearts out and was one of the best episodes of any Marvel TV show. While we’re all recovering emotionally from what happened, let’s take a look at some of our favourite comic book moments from the Moon God himself, Khonshu.
The Silent Type
While Khonshu being imprisoned in stone is a punishment in the TV series, in the comic books he started as an ominous statue that loomed large in Moon Knight’s mind. Marc believed he was possessed by the spirit of the statue himself, and that his spirit had given him the powers to be Moon Knight. We all love how funny Khonshu is when his spirit becomes another part of the comics, but there’s something special about how this silent statue had such a hold over Marc.
We first saw the statue of Khonsu in issue #1 of Moon Knight Volume 1 (1980-1984) when he resurrected Marc Spector in the desert. While there’s no verbal connection between the two, the sheer presence and importance of the statue of Khonshu is a crucial part of the earlier comics. The statue holds such importance that when it’s stolen during the story arc in issues #8-#9 of Volume 1, it makes Moon Knight question himself and his abilities. When the statue is broken it sends Marc into a downward spiral that only his friends can bring him out of.
While this is the early version of Khonshu, and he becomes a bigger character later in the comics, I think it’s safe to say that the original Khonshu was a great presence in the background for the original Moon Knight.
My Champion on Earth
The resurrection of Marc Spector is a defining part of the character’s story. While it is the presence of the statue of Khonshu that brings him back in the earlier comics, we later get to see Khonshu himself bring Marc back to the land of the living.
The original resurrections of Marc are nothing spectacular (apart from when he just appeared alive in his home in the 4-issue miniseries in 1998). In issue #14 of the Lemire run (2016-2018), we get to see Khonshu as he resurrects Marc, and from the very beginning, Khonshu is exactly how we would expect him to be. He has a very particular way of speaking to Marc, and it brings a lot of humour along with a great story.
I Needed You, My Son
The relationship between Khonshu and Marc has been ever-changing throughout the comics. At first, he was just a statue that gave him the ability to be Moon Knight. Then the priests of Khonshu gave him more powers on his behalf (Check out the Fist of Khonshu miniseries from 1985).
In later issues, as Khonshu became more of a character in his own right, the relationship with Marc changed. No longer is Khonshu an ominous presence in Marc’s life, but now he is someone who can, at times, literally lead him to do what he wishes.
As the story of Marc Spector changed throughout the years, Khonshu’s way of speaking also changed, and Khonshu often referred to Marc as “My Son”. This brings up the interesting question of the dynamic between the two, which is always changing. But this title has been a constant for some time. While Khonshu has his sense of humour, calling Marc “My Son” changes his connection to Marc from protector to something deeper.
I Do What I Want
Khonshu holds a strong influence over Marc, and he doesn’t always use it for the best reasons. This is clear in the Avengers: Age of Khonshu event, issues #33-37 (2020). Here, he uses Marc to break the Avengers and create a new world in his Heliopolitan image. While the Avengers do eventually succeed, and Moon Knight realises that the moon god was in the wrong, Khonshu does give them a good fight and creates all sorts of problems while he’s at it.
In the Lemire run of Moon Knight volume 8, #1-#14, Khonshu also has questionable motives in how he is treating Marc. While he seems to be a supportive figure throughout the action of the comic, there is something deeper and darker to what Khonshu is up to.
While Khonshu hasn’t always acted with the best intentions, he does also look after Marc (sometimes). A particular favourite moment is in issue #3 of Moon Knight volume 7 (2014-2015) when Khonshu ensures Marc is aware of all of the tools needed to beat a ghastly gang of ghouls that are terrorising the city. While it is Marc doing the fighting, he inhabits the cloak of Khonshu himself, and it makes for some beautiful artwork. The rest of the run does reiterate that Khonshu isn’t to be trusted fully, but there are some fun moments throughout.
A Way With Words
Once Khonshu became his own character and stepped away from the stone statue of the early days, he had a very particular way of speaking with Marc. Sometimes he is soft and caring, others he is forceful and vengeful.
Some of the best moments are the moments of humour that Khonshu brings to the comics. This is something that is brought into the show a little, and the way he treats Moon Knight is always changing.
Khonshu has no problem with letting Marc know his place, and he isn’t one to hold back. This makes for some brilliant moments in the comics. Sometimes he is firm. For others, he is frightening. At some points, he is demanding and controlling. And yet, some funny moments bring out the character of Khonshu.
Our Favourite God
While Khonshu hasn’t been absent for a few episodes of the TV series, he will always be an integral part of the story of Moon Knight. He is mysterious and not all he seems to be, but there is a deeper connection with Marc Spector, and we always love to see him on the page and the screen.
Moon Knight episodes 1-5 are now available to stream on Disney+.
Sarah here, teaching English around the world. Living life and seeing things.
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