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Shawn Paul Wood
Website |  + posts

Something about me? I have been a nerdy cinephile for as long as I can remember. Putting the two together is living my best life. That notwithstanding, I was born to express, not to impress, so I blog because I don't have friends. In other news, I like hashtags because they look like waffles, prefer my puns intended, and I always give 100% unless I'm donating blood. Thanks for reading.

A fantastically stupid debate continues as Samuel L. Jackson is calling out his good friend Quentin Tarantino regarding the director’s position on comic book movies (CBMs). Critics and fans alike have widely speculated when or if “Nick Fury” was ever going to say something. And now, we know our hero has come to defend fandom–and his friends.

“Part of the Marvel-ization of Hollywood is you have all these actors who have become famous playing these characters,” he said, using a Tarantino neologism from last week. “But they’re not movie stars. Right? Captain America is the star. Thor is the star. I’m not the first person to say that. I think that’s been said a zillion times, but it’s these franchise characters [who] become a star.”

Jackson, who has partnered with Tarantino in more movies than any other “star” in Hollywood, has been featured in a few nerd franchises–most notably Marvel as Nick Fury, Star Wars as Mace Windu, and Pixar as Frozone (hence, the headline up there). The guy knows what it means to act wearing a mo-cap suit and standing in front of a gigantic green screen. So, when someone said those folks aren’t actors, Jackson did the only thing he knows how to do.

Well, other than screaming “Muthaf*cker” at the top of his lungs.

Samuel L. Jackson Speaks Up (and Loudly)

Sources: Marvel Studios/Lucasfilm LTD/The Walt Disney Co.

As many know, Samuel L. Jackson is the good luck charm for Quentin Tarantino, as he has been in six of his eight movies. (Think John Ratzenberger–Cliff Clavin of Cheers fame–like Pixar’s charm.) So, when Tarantino started driving the butthurt bus about CBMs making all the money in Hollywood, it was only a matter of time before these two butted heads. (See what I did there?)

Earlier this month, Tarantino got on a podcast to say that directing a CBM for Marvel or DC means you would be relegated to “a hired hand,” and he’s not with that. Later, on another podcast, the sage and revered director noted “the Marvel-ization of Hollywood.”

Back at The Cinema Spot, we noted a skosh of hypocrisy with Tarantino’s claims because he:

  • Was an avid comic book collector
  • Has his own comic book series with Django and Zorro (crossover, weird idea)
  • Wanted to direct a Luke Cage movie prior to the inception of the MCU
  • Desired to create a Silver Surfer movie or TV series

Yet, now, comic book movies suck and the people who star in them “are not movie stars.” Here comes Samuel L. Jackson to the rescue. And, on the same “2 Bears, 1 Cave” podcast hosted by Tom Segura that Tarantino visited in November.

“It takes an actor to be those particular characters, and the sign of movie stardom has always been, what, asses in seats? What are we talking about? That’s not a big controversy for me to know that apparently these actors are movie stars. Chadwick Boseman is Black Panther. You can’t refute that, and he’s a movie star.”

Samuel L. Jackson, 2 Bears 1 Cave Podcast, Nov. 29, 2022

Superhero Lives Matter Too

Samuel L. Jackson has a point about movie stars are superheroes.

Remember when William Hurt died? Marvel was shocked, but they knew General Thaddeus Ross was a big part of their plans for Phase 5. With Captain America 4: New World Order and Thunderbolts on the way, who was going to be the conniving military mind and transform into Red Hulk? It had to be someone with Hurt’s gravitas and command of a screen.

And then, Marvel signed Harrison Ford!

It was a time of celebration and contentment. Why? Because not only did Marvel sign one of the greatest actors of this generation, but also William Hurt had some sizable shoes to fill. That is precisely what takes us to Tarantino’s words and why Samuel L. Jackson stood up for Chadwick Boseman.

Samuel L. Jackson needed to remind his friend about the acting skills of CBM folk.
Source: Marvel Studios/Chadwick Boseman Foundation

You see, Chadwick Boseman wasn’t “just Black Panther.” He was a damn good actor. The guy was on a run being the “King of the Biopics” having portrayed James Brown, Thurgood Marshall, Levee Green, and Jackie Robinson. And don’t even get us started on his acting chops in Spike Lee’s Da 5 Bloods.

Boseman was nominated in the Best Actor category at the Academy Awards, BAFTA Awards, Critics’ Choice Movie Awards, Golden Globe Awards, and Screen Actors Guild Awards, becoming the first black performer to ever be nominated posthumously for an Oscar.

Yet, if Tarantino needs a little more clarity on the “movie stars aren’t superheroes” thing, then let’s look at the claim carefully. Surely, Tarantino forgot or feel on his sizable head. There are few directors who are larger fanboys of cinema than Quentin Tarantino. Yet, when he joined the Butthurt Bus driving crew (along with Scorsese, Scott, Cameron, and Coppola), he left a few of his personal feelings at the door.

We’ve touched upon the egregious short-term memory loss, but here’s one more. And if pictures are worth a thousand words, here’s 12K that should suffice.

12 actors who have been superheroes or villains have been Oscar winners
Sources: Universal Pictures/Marvel Studios/Warner Bros./DC Entertainment/The Walt Disney Co.

If we could ask all CBM haters in Hollywood who agree with the Tarantino observation to stare at this picture carefully. Samuel L. Jackson spoke out about Chadwick Boseman, which we have clearly proved his acting talents. But look at this collage. Superheroes and supervillains. The recent cuts and some OGs. Young in age or some more seasoned. What do they all have in common?


Each one of those 12 actors pictured above (and there are more who is not) has won Oscars. Not to mention their hefty collection of SAGs, People’s Choice, BAFTAs, Golden Globes, Sundance, and Venice Film Festival. Look at the first example: William Hurt and Harrison Ford. Each is Gen. Ross in Marvel. Each has won Oscars!

The moral of the story is this: It’s ludicrous to spit on the resume of some comic book movie actors because they may have a more prestigious career than even say, Quentin Tarantino. And while strangers have been pointing out the guy’s blatant hypocrisy and whining, sometimes it takes a friend to point out the problem.

And with that, this argument should be closed.

Featured Image Credit: Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP/Shutterstock
Shawn Paul Wood
Website |  + posts

Something about me? I have been a nerdy cinephile for as long as I can remember. Putting the two together is living my best life. That notwithstanding, I was born to express, not to impress, so I blog because I don't have friends. In other news, I like hashtags because they look like waffles, prefer my puns intended, and I always give 100% unless I'm donating blood. Thanks for reading.

Shawn Paul Wood

About Shawn Paul Wood

Something about me? I have been a nerdy cinephile for as long as I can remember. Putting the two together is living my best life. That notwithstanding, I was born to express, not to impress, so I blog because I don't have friends. In other news, I like hashtags because they look like waffles, prefer my puns intended, and I always give 100% unless I'm donating blood. Thanks for reading.

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